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Selected Writings


Milwaukee Record

Shepherd Express

Urban Milwaukee


Saying goodbye to Wonder Bar (and hello to Biersal Tavern) Milwaukee Record

​WMSE’s Art & Music brings live auction, music and more to The Pritzlaff Building, Milwaukee Record

5 things to see during Milwaukee’s Gallery Night & Day, January 19-20, Milwaukee Record

Review of Rachel Collier's Still Together at Saint Kate Arts Hotel, Sixty Inches from Center

Sonic Pleasures of The Deer, Chicago Review of Books

(Re)Materializing Dread: An interview with Mayumi Lake and Stacia Yepanis, Sixty Inches from Center

Review of Rachel Harrison's Assorted Varieties at Corbett vs Dempsey, Chicago Artist Writers

Inside a West Plaza bungalow, Open House is carving out a new, subversive space for art and community-building, The Pitch

Alter’s FOMO-factor parties are bad mothers, The Pitch

Facing the Future: The Kemper’s thrilling show of Outwin portraits holds up a timely mirror, The Pitch

Art and the Crossroads of Kansas City, Sculpture

Kendell Harbin’s VHS safari hunts a very delicate species: memory, The Pitch

Ryan Wilkes pushes sex out of the shadows in his challenging, memorable Queerotica, The Pitch

KC’s LGBTQ community clears its throat—and learns to break a chokehold, The Pitch

At the Spencer, surprises from new Asian artists, The Pitch

State of the World at H&R Block Artspace, raises a hopeful flag, The Pitch

Roger Shimomura and Yuval Yairi map complex legacies in separate solo shows, The Pitch

Trey Hock, the bathroom selfie, and me, The Pitch

Charlotte Street’s bold, searching ¿Que Pasa USA? deserves to be answered, The Pitch

Erin Zona’s She Was Right is totally correct, The Pitch

Nick Cave’s Property at the Nelson is a must-see, The Pitch

Dark Days, Bright Nights: Contemporary Paintings from Finland reveals warmth under the ice, The Pitch

Wendy Red Star poses haunting questions in Parading Culture at Haw, The Pitch

Front/Space’s Hot Hands fundraiser is a big deal for art spotters and collectors, The Pitch

Samara Umbral Goes Deep at Haw Contemporary, The Pitch



Bluegills, Blue, Cream City Review issue 46.1

On Doubt, New Reader Magazine

Once the Downs Empty, TSR: The Southampton Review

The Artist, Existere Journal, York University



Men have imagination, but women just have experiences,: An Interview with Rachel Haley Himmelheber, Ploughshares blog

Unfortunately, the Book Continues to be Relevant: An interview with Erika Meitner, Ploughshares blog

• Wide Range Through a Single Lens: An interview with Michael Dumanis of Bennington Review, the minnesota review blog

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